Online Presence: Establishing the Wake I Leave Behind…

Since getting established with social media, something I have always been concerned about is how my digital profiles paint me. Having a fairly un-generic name, it is all too easy for people searching for me to actually find me. This can have its perks (such as the work produced from a recent internship) and its definite cons (picture of me with a roll of paper sellotaped to my head – i was a unicorn!). In recent years, I have made a conscious effort to ensure that my privacy online is maintained by adjusting my settings on Facebook (not everyone needs to see my holiday photo). This seems to have paid off, as searching for me through Google, produced links primarily to professional sites relating to my PhD, and to my work as part of the Biochemical society;social mentions and MIT Personas produced nothing.I’m happy about this, as it allows me to build on my online profile on my terms. Now if only I could get that unicorn photo taken down….

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